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We have a passion for transparency.

We are community-based fishers and aquaculturists – dedicated to bringing low-impact fishing traditions back to the plates of consumers. We source locally as much as possible and follow Ocean Wise, a classification that ensures responsibility to a fishery’s abundance and catch method. For us, knowing the story behind the fish we sell is paramount. We are based out of Bedford and supply sustainable seafood to restaurants and consumers across Nova Scotia year-round.

Our commitment is to provide our customers with quality seafood from sources we know and trust.

The Afishionado


Did you know…

Our products highlight each supplier, where they are located, and how the fish was caught or raised. Look for these icons on our labels to learn more!

Look for these icons on our labels!

Locally Sourced

Our Partners

We’re partnered with dozens of sustainable fisheries and aquaculturists from all across Atlantic Canada. We believe you should know where your fish is from – check out some of our amazing partners below!

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